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Celebrating 2 years on Shopify with Segments 2.0

With the launch of Segments 2.0, we are excited to take your Shopify customer segmentation and ecommerce marketing to the next level. Read on to find out what’s new in Segments 2.0!

Segments app 2.0

The number one complaint we hear from ecommerce brands is that data is too complex, so they don’t know how to take data-driven action. I believe that’s because the interaction between humans and data isn’t a natural one, and most of the analytics tools out there are not built for the modern digital commerce.

Back at LinkedIn, Tony and I saw firsthand how the best companies in the world operationalize their data insights for growth. We had a data team of 700+ people and we measured everything. What I realized was that it’s not practical for 95% of the world to spend millions building a data team, yet data remains the biggest differentiator for growth.

That’s why we started Segments, because we know marketing can be made easier with data. We built Segments as a self-guided data marketing platform that provides brands and marketers access to prebuilt customer segmentations and actionable insights that can be plug & played into different marketing channels. We give you answers, not queries, so you can easily take action — just like having your own data team.

Since the beginning of our journey almost 2 years ago, we’ve crossed some significant milestones along the way—we were selected as a staff pick last May, featured in 2 major Shopify Plus articles here and here, Techcrunch also covered us here; most importantly we crossed 1000+ installs and maintained a perfect 5-star customer review rating!

We owe everything to our customers, who’ve taught us so much and gives us the drive to continue pushing the envelope to make data more intuitive and actionable, with more powerful segmentation and insights. On that note, we are extremely excited to share with you the launch of our new experience, Segments 2.0.

Segments 2.0

With the launch of Segments 2.0, we are excited to take your Shopify customer segmentation and ecommerce marketing to the next level.

Based on your feedback we’ve constantly iterated Segments to make it more intuitive and actionable. Here’s what’s new in Segments 2.0:

Increased actionability with a simple and intuitive visual dashboard

Lifecycle grid
At the click of a button, you will have a clear actionable strategy on what action to take and in what channel.

Why should you care →  changing send times has increased revenue and reduced unsubscribe rates for many of our customers. Check out one of our client case studies on how tailoring marketing flows specific to their customers’ purchase timing led to a 10% conversion rate for their abandoned cart flows.

C suite ready executive summaries 

Why should you care → our all new executive summaries are ready for you to copy and share with your team or company management saving you time on reporting and giving you a birds eye view of your stores critical data points.

Executive summary

Typeahead search and new filtering experience

My segments page
Easily find your favorite segments with our new typeahead search.

How to create a new segment
Create new custom segments with ease with our new powerful filtering options.

Faster queries to get you the data you need

Why should you care → the new Segments 2.0 infrastructure means your store loads 5x times faster = you get your insights faster than ever before

A glimpse of the future

We are going to invest in more integrations and more marketing channels to plug and play the segments we create. We’ve also just scratched the surface on the type of advanced analytics we can do in terms of product recommendations, and understanding customer behavior across channels. We’re looking to build strong partnerships with like-minded agencies and apps to continue helping brands thrive with data.

Give Segments 2.0 a try

Just continue as you normally do and you’ll automatically be redirected to the new home Segments: If you’re new to Segments, check out our 14 day free trial.

There are still some features that we are in the process of reimagining on Segments 2.0. You can always switch back to Segments 1.0 by clicking on the “Back to Segments v1” button in the sidebar.

Back to Segments v1 option

As always, our team is always on stand-by to support you and make sure you’re getting the most out of Segments. Chat with us directly via the orange chat bubble on our website or in-app.

Data doesn’t run businesses. Humans do. We are here to make data more compassionate and human for our brands, while at the same time leveling the playing field to empower entrepreneurs with the same analytical capabilities large tech companies do, so you can build long-lasting relationships with your customers one segment at a time.

Happy segmenting,

John, CEO and co-founder

Segments by Tresl

Sharad Thaper from Hidden Tempo

Sharad Thaper

Hidden Tempo
Alex Greifeld from No Best Practices

Alex Greifeld

No Best Practices

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