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How to prevent your at-risk loyal customers from churning

Today, we’re going to show you how and why you should send a targeted campaign to your At-risk Loyals segment. We’ll include templates and references to make it as easy as possible.


About segment

Customers with 3+ purchases, and are at risk of churning based on their lifecycle stage. By analyzing your store's historical data, Segments helps you pinpoint the exact timing when your at-risk loyals are past their active buying window.

This timing is unique to every store, so we tailor our tool to fit your needs. In this example, the loyal customers are considered at risk between the days 142 and 284. With this information, you can create personalized win-back flows that bring your customers back and keep them coming back for more.

At-risk loyals Segments
Example of At-risk loyals in the Lifecycle journey

Why is this segment important?

Your Loyal customers are your MVPs and typically customers with the highest Customer Lifetime Value. They are often most likely to recommend you to their friends and family.

If they are in the “At Risk” stage, it means they have a high risk of churning since quite some time has elapsed since their last purchase. The longer they don’t purchase from you, the less likely they are to buy again.

Because it’s 6x-7x cheaper to retain a customer than acquire a new one, sending a well-timed campaign to target these At-risk Loyals will be well worth your time!

Step 1 - Connect to your Klaviyo

Make sure you have your Klaviyo integrated. Refer to this help article if you need a refresher on how to connect your marketing channels.

Step 2 - Sync your audience

Manually sync the At-risk Loyals segment to Klaviyo. Click on the "Sync now" button at the bottom.

Step 3 - Build a email flow

Create an email flow within Klaviyo targeting this segment of customers. Below is a step-by-step guide for creating a Klaviyo Flow for the At Risk Loyals segment.

Note: After syncing the At Risk Loyals customer segment from the Segments app, it will appear under Klaviyo Lists as [Segments] At Risk Loyals. Make sure to turn on auto-sync so the list is dynamically updated daily according to your Shopify data.

  • Create a new flow in Klaviyo. You can find this on the right-hand menu under Flows > Create Flow. Or just go to this link:
  • Set up the Flow by setting up the trigger. Select List as the trigger
  • Select the [Segments] At Risk Loyals list as the Flow Trigger. You can create an additional Flow Filter to make sure the customer receiving the email is not suppressed.
    Note: This flow will trigger when someone first enters the At Risk Loyals segment. They enter this segment when they fulfill the Segments definition of At Risk Loyals — customers with 3+ orders and enter the At Risk stage of their lifecycle journey. The At Risk stage of the lifecycle journey is calculated by our proprietary algorithm based on your store’s past customer behavior.
  • Create an email flow. The content and offer is totally up to you.  In this example, we target our customers with different messages during 142 days (between 142 and 284 days when they are at risk). For specific strategies, templates, and references of campaign ideas, read on!

Suggested strategies and templates

Send them a personalized email from the founder / CEO thanking them for their loyalty

Customers love to hear directly from the Founder - it adds a personal touch and makes them feel appreciated. Below is a template as well as some references that you can take for inspiration.

Subject: A little gift for you

Hi {Customer Name},

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for being our loyal customer and consecutively choosing
{Brand Name}

You’re one of our most frequent repeat customers, and I would love to show some appreciation with a little gift for you. Here’s a code to use during your next purchase for a free
{Insert Freebie here}: {Insert freebie code}.

Thanks again, and if there’s anything we can do to make your experience with
{Brand name} better, just let us know!

{Your Signature}

Offer them free merchandise, 2-for-1-deal, or free delivery with their purchase

The template above is a combination of freebie + letter from Founder. You can also offer other special offers for your at-risk loyals to incentivize them to buy again.

Here's another template for inspiration:

Subject: We miss you!

Hi {First Name},

Did you know that you’re one of our most loyal customers? We haven’t seen you in a while, and wanted to let you know that we miss you!

We’re currently running a special offer for loyal customers just like you. Use this unique special code created just for you to redeem
{special offer here}.

Hope to see you around!

{Brand Name}

Remind them about your loyalty program rewards and upgrade their loyalty tier with their purchase

We hope this playbook helps! If you need any help, just directly chat with us using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner. Let us know how your campaign goes!

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